QuickCab WooCommerce Taxi Booking Plugin
QuickCab is a powerful WordPress plugin for any business that provides transport as a service. It facilitates the price estimation, booking, and payment of journeys. QuickCab has been professionally designed to provide a high-quality user experience both for customers and admins.
QuickCab allows for the creation of multiple, complex pricing conditions to accommodate for any situation. You can charge based on distance, time, number of passengers, and number of luggage items. Alternatively, you can use our powerful geofence pricing conditions to draw custom areas on a map and charge a specified amount to collect/drop off in that area. You can also add Uber-style surge charges, for example multiplying fares by 1.5x in rush hour.
Because QuickCab is compatible with WooCommerce, it allows for a wide variety of options and customizations. Customers can pay by Card, Cash, PayPal or more. It is up to you how you customize the experience.
- Fully customizable pricing structures:
- Base price
- Price per minute – with the option of charging different amounts depending on distance
- Price per passenger
- Price per suitcase
- Price per hour (to rent hourly) – with the option of charging different amounts depending on duration
- Enter passenger capacity
- Enter suitcase capacity
- Enter the number owned (to prevent overbooking of a vehicle)
- Upload the associated image displays on the booking form
- Add all features associated with the vehicle
- Unlimited vehicles
Geofence Pricing Conditions
- Draw your custom geofence areas on the map
- If the customer is collected from within one geofence area and dropped off within the other geofence area, you can charge a fixed amount for that journey or increase that journey by a set amount
- For example: you define a geofence pricing condition from central London to Heathrow Airport for £40
- You can also select the first area as ‘Anywhere’ and draw the second location which would apply to any journey that ends within the second Geofence area
- For example: charge an extra £5 for all journeys that end at Heathrow airport
- Choose whether Surge Pricing Conditions also apply to this journey or ignore them
- Choose which vehicles this pricing condition applies to (or select all vehicles)
- Choose whether the Geofence pricing condition works in one direction (i.e. Central London => Heathrow) or both directions (i.e. Central London => Heathrow and Heathrow => Central London)
- Unlimited Geofence pricing conditions
- All strings are translatable
- Calendar view to get a quick overview of upcoming orders – hover for quick info on the booking
- Seamless integration with WooCommerce
- Informative order pages that gives you all the information you need about a journey