GamiPress Zapier
- Zapier lets you integrate GamiPress interactions with thousands of third-party web services, including Google Sheets, Slack, Mailchimp, Twitter, Zendesk, Dropbox, Instagram, and more!
- In just a few minutes, you will be able to send GamiPress information to any Zapier service with relevant information like user and achievement details when a user earns an achievement.
- Important: You need a Zapier premium account to get access to webhooks (only signing up on Zapier you will get a 14-day trial of premium features).
Note: This add-on is designed to send data to Zapier (using GamiPress as a trigger for a Zap).
If you need to receive data from Zapier (to use it as an action for a Zap) you need our Rest API Extended add-on.
- Data will be automatically sent when the user earns something (an achievement, a rank, a points award, an achievement step, etc).
- Connect GamiPress and you WordPress with thousands of services.
- Ability to send a test to preview data sent to Zapier.
Sample Use Cases
- Email & SMS Send notifications when a user earns an achievement (e.g. Twilio, Gmail).
- social share custom content on any social network when a user earns points (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).
- Spreadsheets Add earning details to a shared spreadsheet or CSV file (e.g. Google Docs, Dropbox, Google Drive).
- Mailing list updates your mailing list (e.g. MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, AWeber, SendGrid).
- Contacts Add user details to your address book when earning a rank (Google Contacts).
- CRM Add leads/contacts and notes to your CRM (e.g Highrise, Salesforce).
- Accounting Update user information in your accounting system (e.g. Xero).
- Help Desk Add a ticket to your help desk system (e.g. Zendesk,
- Team Chat Send an instant message to your team’s chat room (e.g. Hall, Slack, Hipchat).