Protect your content from being selected and copied.? For full details and features, check out the sales page.
WP Content Copy Protection Pro & No Right Click Basic Features:
- Protect your content from selection and copy. this plugin makes protecting
your posts extremely simple without yelling at your readers - No one can save images from your site.
- No right-click or context menu.
- Show alert message, Image Ad, or HTML Ad on save images or right-click.
- Disable the following keys CTRL A, CTRL C, CTRL X, CTRL S, or CTRL V.
- Advanced and easy-to-use control panel.
- No one can right-click images on your site if you want
The Pro Edition Features include:
- PRO version product page
- Watermarking
- Using htacsess rules
- Support jquery overlay protection
- Get full control on Right-click or context menu
- Show alert messages, when the user made right click on images, text boxes, links, plain text.. etc
- Admin can exclude Home page Or Single posts from being copy protected
- Admin can disable copy protection for admin users.
- 3 protection layers (JavaScript protection, RightClick protection, CSS protection)
- Aggressive image protection (it’s nearly impossible for expert users to steal your images !!)
- compatible with all major theme frameworks
- compatible with all major browsers
- Tested in IE9, IE10, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera
- Disables image drag and drop function
- Works on smartphones and iPhones – solved since 2-10-2015 & updated at 13-11-2015
- Ability to set varying levels of protection per page or post.
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